Here's How Full Hospitals In Maricopa County Are

Several healthcare organizations urged Gov. Doug Ducey last week to implement stricter measures to control the spread of the coronavirus as vaccines are being distributed mostly to frontline workers and amid holiday celebrations.

Among the requests are to close bars and nightclubs, limit restaurants to outside dining and take-out service, implement a statewide enforceable mask mandate and limit public gatherings to 25 people.

„The health care system is overwhelmed and on the brink of considering the need to implement crisis standards of care,” the letter read. „Stoimy również w obliczu rzeczywistości, że prawdopodobnie zabraknie dostępnego personelu do opieki nad pacjentami, którzy potrzebują naszej pomocy.”

The Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, Arizona Public Health Association, Maricopa County Medical Society, Arizona Medical Association, Arizona Organization of Nurse Leaders i Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association podpisał list.

The Associated Press przyczynił się do tego raportowania.

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